Michael Multari

“The last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Viktor Frankl

Supporting others on their journey–personal and professional–is Michael’s passion. He is a certified professional coach after completing hundreds of hours of training through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). As a coach with Coaching@Altitude, Michael has coached Assistant Heads of School, Directors of Admission, Department heads, and Chief Operating Officers, to name a few. 

Originally from New Jersey, Michael graduated from York College of Pennsylvania with a BA in Secondary Education and Social Sciences. He then headed west to Northern New Mexico to begin his teaching career, spending the first ten years in both public and private schools. Michael was hired by Santa Fe Prep as the founding Director of the Breakthrough Santa Fe program in 2003. Across the next fifteen years, Michael served Prep as Breakthrough Director, Director of Admissions, US History and New Mexico History Teacher, Advisor, and Coach. He received a Masters Degree in Liberal Arts from St. John’s College of Santa Fe in 2009.

In 2018, Michael launched a new phase of his life and career, moving close to relatives in Cali, Colombia, and starting a travel company for Americans interested in visiting Colombia, Todo Bien Colombia. When he is not supporting others on their own journeys; Michael can be found enjoying time with family, struggling with Spanish, drinking coffee, and traveling throughout the inspiring country of Colombia. 

Working with Michael as my leadership coach has been nothing short of profound. He has empathized with me, but more importantly, he has challenged me. By asking poignant questions, listening with measured patience, and providing enthusiastic encouragement, Michael has demonstrated a genuine ability to connect that has pushed me forward. I’m immeasurably indebted to Michael.

Michael was amazing. I felt genuine empathy from him as I shared what were often difficult scenarios I was navigating. He kindly challenged me to shift outside my comfort zones and ultimately guided me through a process of decision making where I developed my own solutions. Michael's approach helped me build my confidence not only for the specific scenarios I brought forward at our sessions, but also to guide and reflect on my responses for day to day situations.

I am willing to be honest with myself and feel more comfortable with my level of self-awareness. Having Michael as a coach has come at the right time in helping me appreciate this level of understanding.

Through my work with Michael this year, I am more cognizant of how I approach things at work and at home. I am actively thinking about having conversations, listening more, and am more conscious.

Michael is an ardent and passionate advocate for children and youth who has dedicated his life to supporting the academic and life success of some of our community's most vulnerable young people. He is one of the most caring, supportive and genuine people I know, possessed of an extraordinary love for life, adventure and possibility.

As the founding Director of Breakthrough Santa Fe in 2004, and then as admissions director, Mike left an indelible mark at Santa Fe Prep. Mike is precise in managing day-to-day details and visionary in seeing how independent schools need to adapt before imminent changes occur. Most importantly, Mike excels at communicating with all constituencies in a school.